AI for Humanity: HPE Discover 2018

Last month, we had the opportunity to speak about the use of Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of humanity at the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Discover 2018 Conference. We had the chance to share about our work using facial recognition to fight human trafficking, as well as brainstorm and discuss the present and future challenges to ensure ethical use of AI.

Check out a thought-provoking Q&A here, where Marinus President and Founder Emily Kennedy is interviewed by Dr. Eng Lim Goh, AI expert and VP at HPE, about the mindblowing success law enforcement has had with Traffic Jam's facial recognition tool, FaceSearch, and how AI tools have been used to find victims of sex trafficking in the most dire circumstances. Dr. Goh is a captivating speaker on AI and what it means for the future of humanity. 


Ms. Kennedy also had the chance to sit down with Hewlett Packard Enterprise and delve into how Marinus Analytics is using AI for good, and what are some of the complexities of that challenge.  That interview can be viewed here.

We also discussed how AI should not be just a push-button process where we get a miraculous but inexplicable answer out of a black box. Explainability of AI is extremely important, and we see the best applications of AI happen when humans and robots collaborate to get to better answers than they could apart.

As we heard Rosanna Myers describe it at The Atlantic Future:Now event, "co-bot" is the ongoing collaborative work that humans and robots can do together.  Coming soon, a panel discussion will be posted here that will dig further into the ethics of AI. It will be released shortly as a part of the HPE Podcast on "Bringing AI to the Masses." Stay tuned!