Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a global cloud platform that offers over 165 fully featured services. AWS is unmatched in the innovative technology they offer in areas including Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. AWS provides unrivaled security and services available in today's cloud computing environment.
Since 2017, Amazon Web Services has been partnering with Marinus Analytics in order to develop and apply AI tools to public safety spaces. Marinus Analytics used AWS services to add AI tools to the Traffic Jam platform. Amazon Web Services is supporting Marinus in generating tools to enable law enforcement to maximize their efficiency in recovering sex trafficking victims and dismantling organized crime rings.

The National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in Pittsburgh, PA in 2002. Created by industry, academia, and law enforcement, the NCFTA provides a physical and virtual environment that enables two-way information sharing amongst industry and with law enforcement. Organizational goals are to work together to identify, mitigate, and disrupt cyber and cyber-enabled threats.
The NCFTA and Marinus Analytics have had a relationship for several years, enabling NCFTA analysts to successfully leverage the Traffic Jam tool to initiate and/or enhance anti-human trafficking research and investigations around the world.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) is a leading nonprofit organization in the effort to protect children. Every child deserves a safe childhood, and that is what drives NCMEC's work to prevent abuse, recover missing children, and eliminate exploitation through the variety of programs and services they provide. NCMEC works with law enforcement, families, victims, private industry, and the public to assist in the efforts to prevent and combat child victimization.
NCMEC analysts have been given free access to Marinus Analytics's flagship tool Traffic Jam and use it to sift through thousands of missing children reports. Their use of Traffic Jam helps in identifying the location of missing children and assists in the recovery of exploited children.